We have the pleasure of introducing to you the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” series of webinars.

When taxpayers are aggrieved by an assessment or not satisfied with a decision taken by SARS if the decision is subject to objection and appeal, they have a right to dispute the assessment or decision.

The importance of the ability of taxpayers to challenge the legality of actions and decisions within the tax system is internationally recognised.

The webinars within this series will give a high-level overview of relevant tax legislation however the focus of these “bite-size” sessions will be to give delegates key insights and tips to practically navigate the tax dispute resolution process.

The series of webinars are broken down into two categories:

A. Dispute prevention
Avoiding a dispute with SARS is the first line of defence in managing tax controversy.

The following topics will be discussed as part dispute prevention:
1.  Navigating the Tax Assessment Process & Request for Correction

2.  Managing SARS Verification Letters

3.  A Guide to the Voluntary Disclosure Programme

4.  Managing penalties & interest – Requests for remission

B.  Dispute Resolution
Unfortunately, disputes may arise with or without careful planning. It is therefore important to understand the dispute resolution process and the impact of the new tax dispute rules that became effective on 10 March 2023.

The following topics will be discussed as part of dispute resolution:
5. Tax dispute resolution step 1 - Request for reason and suspension of payment

6. Tax dispute resolution step 2 - Objections

7. Tax dispute resolution step 3 - Appeals

8. Tax dispute resolution step 4 - Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Navigating the Tax Assessment Process & Request for Correction

This webinar is the first of eight webinars within the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” series of webinars and forms part of the Dispute Prevention topics.  

Taxpayers must take care when completing tax returns and have a good understanding of the tax assessment process in order to identify and effectively manage tax risks.

The webinar will give a high-level overview of relevant tax legislation however the focus will be to give delegates key insights and practical tips in order to avoid a dispute with SARS.

During this webinar we will unpack:

  • Key risk areas when completing the ITR14 Companies Tax Return
  • Tax assessment process and when SARS can issue a reduced / additional / jeopardy / estimated assessment
  • Prescription periods
  • Request for correction


The session will create an awareness of potential tax risk areas which will then be addressed in follow-up webinars within the series.

The webinar will contribute to 1.5 hours CPD/CPE.


R603.75 (inclusive of VAT) / R525.00 (exclusive of VAT)

Managing SARS Verification Letters

This webinar is the second of eight webinars within the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” series of webinars and forms part of the Dispute Prevention topics.  

You submitted the ITR14 Company Tax return and received a verification letter from SARS. It is of utmost importance to respond timeously and correctly to this request.

This webinar will discuss:

  • Understanding the purpose of the SARS verification letter
  • The difference between a SARS verification and a SARS audit
  • What constitutes “relevant material”
  • Taxpayers’ obligations to retain records & retention periods
  • Timelines for responding to a verification letter
  • How to respond appropriately to a request for relevant material
  • Implications of non-compliance


The webinar will give a high-level overview of relevant tax legislation however the focus will be to give delegates key insights and practical tips in order to avoid a dispute with SARS.

The webinar will contribute to 1.5 hours CPD/CPE.


R603.75 (inclusive of VAT) / R525.00 (exclusive of VAT)

A Guide to the Voluntary Disclosure Programme

The Voluntary Disclosure Programme (VDP) grants an opportunity to taxpayers to regularise their tax affairs without incurring massive penalty payments. It is therefore a key process to understand in terms of managing the risk of the understatement penalty regime.

The VDP is also the only way for taxpayers to avoid criminal prosecution for the non-disclosure of income or tax liabilities. It is therefore crucial to understand the VDP process.

During this webinar we will discuss the main features of the VDP regime and will provide practical guidance in order to assist you in navigating through the process of completing and managing a VDP application.

The webinar will contribute to 1.5 hours CPD/CPE.

Cost: R603.75 (inclusive of VAT) / R525.00 (exclusive of VAT)

Managing Penalties & Interest – Request for Remission

This webinar is the fourth of eight webinars within the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” series of webinars and forms part of the Dispute Prevention topics.  

This webinar will also cover the various penalties that may be imposed under the Tax Administration Act and how to prevent or remit these penalties.

Please note:  Obtaining relief from penalties in terms of the Voluntary Disclosure Programme (VDP) is dealt with in the third webinar in this series.

The session will create an awareness of potential tax risk areas which will then be addressed in follow-up webinars within the series.

The webinar will contribute to 1.5 hours CPD/CPE.


R603.75 (inclusive of VAT) / R525.00 (exclusive of VAT)

Tax Dispute Resolution Step 1: Request for Reasons & Suspension of Payment

This webinar is the 5th of eight webinars within the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” series of webinars and forms part of the Dispute Resolution topics.  

When taxpayers are aggrieved by an assessment or not satisfied with a decision taken by SARS if the decision is subject to objection and appeal, they have a right to dispute the assessment or decision.

The importance of the ability of taxpayers to challenge the legality of actions and decisions within the tax system is internationally recognised.

What is the process to follow when a taxpayer disagrees with a decision, or an assessment issued by SARS?


During this webinar we will discuss the first step in the process, namely “Request for reasons”.  Also important to understand during this first step is when it is appropriate to request a suspension of payment and how to correctly manage this request.

The webinar will contribute to 1.5 hours CPD/CPE.


R603.75 (inclusive of VAT) / R525.00 (exclusive of VAT)

Tax Dispute Resolution Step 2: Objections

We completed the first four of eight webinars within the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” 

We are now dealing with the Dispute Resolution topics during which we walk through the process to follow when a taxpayer disagrees with a decision or an assessment issued by SARS.

Tax dispute resolution step 1 - Request for reason and suspension of payment
Tax dispute resolution step 2 - Objections

During this webinar we address the second step in the process, namely “Objections”. The session will cover:

  • Decisions are subject to objection.
  • The procedure to objection and taxpayer’s obligations and rights during this process.
  • The importance of taking care when drafting the grounds for an objection.
  • Submitting a late objection.
  • How to deal with an invalid objection

CPD: 1.5 hours


This webinar is the 7th of eight webinars within the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” series of webinars and forms part of the Dispute Resolution topics.  

We are now dealing with the Dispute Resolution topics during which we walk through the process to follow when a taxpayer disagrees with a decision, or an assessment issued by SARS.

If a taxpayer disagrees with the decision made by SARS in considering their objection, the taxpayer has the right to appeal that decision.

During this webinar we address the third step in the dispute process, namely “Appeals”. The session will cover:

  • When can you lodge an appeal.
  • How to lodge an appeal.
  • Late submission of an appeal.
  • What you can expect from SARS when you appeal.

The webinar will contribute to 1.5 hours CPD/CPE.


R603.75 (inclusive of VAT) / R525.00 (exclusive of VAT)

ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution

We have come to the eighth and final webinar that forms part of the Dispute Resolution topics and the “Managing Tax Disputes with SARS” series of webinars.

During this webinar we address the fourth step in the dispute process, namely “Alternative Dispute Resolution”(ADR). 

ADR refers to the process of settling a dispute using negotiation, mediation or arbitration rather than litigation. It is considered to be a more cost effective and effective remedy for resolving tax disputes outside of formal court proceedings.

During this webinar we will discuss when it is appropriate to follow this route, explain the process and give practical guidance and tips on how to navigate through this process.

The webinar will contribute to 1.5 hours CPD/CPE.


R603.75 (inclusive of VAT) / R525.00 (exclusive of VAT)