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The following webinars are grouped here: (2024 series)

  1. A Practical walk-through the Basic Corporate Tax Calculation
  2. Tax Treatment of Expenditure relating to Fixed Assets
  3. Basics of Capital Gains Tax for Corporate's webinar
  4. A Practical Approach to Accounting for Deferred Tax

Basics of Capital Gains Tax for Corporates

Every business has assets and needs to account for capital gains or losses on the disposal thereof. Although Capital Gains Tax (CGT) has been part of the South African Legislation since 2001, the calculation of CGT can still be challenging to taxpayers.

This webinar aims to improve the understanding of the basic mechanics of capital gains tax, as well as to an awareness of some of the more complex areas that need to be considered and applied when preparing or reviewing capital gains/losses in a year of assessment. 

By the end of this webinar participants will have a understanding of the basic capital gains tax and will be able to answer the following questions:

  • When is CGT triggered?
  • Where does CGT fit into the corporate tax calculation?
  • What is the process to calculate a taxable capital gain or assessed capital loss?
  • What are the building blocks of a basic CGT calculation?
  • Where do you disclose capital gains items on the ITR14 Tax Return?
  • What is the impact of CGT on your provisional tax estimates and payments?

The webinar will contribute to 2 hours CPD/CPE.



3-Part Webinar Series: A Practical walk-through the Basic Corporate Tax Calculation

This webinar series has been developed to take participants systematically through relevant corporate tax principles that are encountered when preparing a Corporate Tax Calculation.

The aim of this webinar is to assist participants to make the correct initial tax decisions when dealing with a set of facts. Pertinent questions will be addressed, such as:

  • whether an expense is revenue or capital in nature?
  • whether there is an allowance which may be claimed?
  • which allowance to claim?

These types of decisions can have a significant cumulative impact on the tax that a business pays or save.

Participants will be able to identify and understand the core principles behind key areas that affect any corporate tax calculation and will be equipped to take more holistic approach to their work tasks.

The outline of this webinar series is as follows:

  • Setting the Scene

We revise the basic framework of a corporate tax calculation, setting the scene for Calculating a Company’s Taxable Income.

The webinar will be based on a Practical Case studyParticipants will be guided through a typical corporate tax calculation with adjustments from accounting records through to the tax comp.   Through this process we will cover the basics of the following topics:

  • Gross Income
  • Exempt Income
  • General Deductions
  • Limitation of Deductions
  • Special Deductions
  • Capital Asset Allowances

This session is a very high-level overview of the key principles of asset allowances, as well as the way in which recoupments are dealt with in the tax calculation.

  • Tax Treatment of Specific Items 

The webinar will contribute to 4.5 hours CPD/CPE.


R1 552.50 (inclusive of VAT) / R1 350 (exclusive of VAT)

Tax Treatment of Expenditure relating to Fixed Assets 2-Part Webinar Series

Understanding the key tax principles relating to fixed assets are of importance to any business. It is essential that businesses take care to identify the capital expenditure eligible for capital allowances and categorise the assets to the specified rates in order to correctly calculate and declare its tax liability.

This webinar series aims to revise the key tax principles related to capital expenditure and focuses on a basic tax theoretical framework to apply when making decisions on how to classify expenditure incurred relating to fixed assets, for example, whether to capitalise or not, and if capitalised, which allowance to correctly apply. We will also address the tax consequences of the subsequent disposal of an allowance asset.

The webinar material includes a training manual which contain the essential information on the key tax principles and the application thereof to practical examples that serves as a reference source after completing the course.

The webinar will contribute to 4 hours CPD/CPE.


R1 610 (inclusive of VAT) / R1 400 (exclusive of VAT) per delegate

A Practical Approach to Accounting for Deferred Tax

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements requires an entity to prepare its financial statements (except for cash flow information) on the accrual basis. This means that the accounting tax charge should reflect the tax consequences of the amounts recognised in the specific financial year, regardless of whether amounts have been included in taxable income or not.

The difference in when amounts are added or deducted for tax or for accounting requires an adjustment - an accounting entry called deferred tax.

Deferred tax calculations are challenging for many and in this webinar series we aim to break it down for you by following a systematic approach. Once comfortable with the basic principles of deferred tax (Part 1), we will discuss some of the more complex areas that need to be considered (Part 2).

During Part 1 of the webinar series will also cover the key processes and controls necessary to produce an accurate and complete tax calculation, and is designed around the key proofs and workings that should be prepared for any tax calculation:


  • The tax rate reconciliation – with a focus on permanent differences.
  • The deferred tax proof – with a focus on temporary differences and IAS12 principles.
  • The fixed asset proof.

Each of these proofs and reconciliations is explained in a practical manner.  For each of the proofs or reconciliations, the theory to key adjustments is explained, but more importantly, participants will work through a number of worked examples which explain the application of the theory.

Cost: R1 610.00 (incl. VAT) per person

CPD/CPE: 4 hours

In this webinar-on-demand we be unpack some pertinent questions, such as:

  • Are you realising the available benefits by using your capital assets in the most tax efficient manner and steering clear of the myriad of anti-avoidance measures applicable to capital gains and losses?
  • What is the impact of debt relief?
  • What are the capital loss restrictions in place?

This webinar is a comprehensive discussion on some of the more complex areas that need to be considered and applied when preparing or reviewing the capital gains or losses in a year of assessment, inclusive of any recent amendments to applicable legislation.

The outline of this webinar is as follows:

1. Limitation of Losses

You have calculated a capital loss on a transaction, but are you aware of all of the sections and paragraphs in the Income Tax Act which impact on how you have calculated this loss, and whether you may need to disregard or ring fence this loss?

This session will cover a selection of paragraphs and sections in the Income Tax Act which impact on the amount, and use of, a capital loss which a taxpayer may claim. This will include discussion on:

  • par 43A - dividends treated as proceeds
  • para 39 and 56 - disposals between connected persons
  • par 42 - short term disposals and acquisitions of identical financial instruments
  • par 64B - disposal of equity shares in foreign companies
  • s45(5) - disposal by transferee company within 18 months after acquiring in an intragroup transaction
  • s103(2) - assessed loss anti-avoidance provisions

2. Anti-avoidance Rules

  • Par 23: Value-shifting arrangements are directed at a particular type of tax avoidance and are contained in a number of different paragraphs.  This session will provide an understanding of what a value-shifting arrangement is and the CGT impact thereof.
  • Par 43: Transactions in Foreign Currency

3. Company Distributions

We will discuss the CGT implications of distributions by companies, including:

  • Returns of capital
  • Dividend in specie
  • Share buy-backs
  • Liquidation distributions

4. Rollovers

CGT principles that apply on the disposal or replacement of allowance assets and certain practical implications on disposals will be dealt with.

The webinar will contribute to 2 hours CPD/CPE